ISSN 2784-9821
Rural Architectural Intensification
By adapting a traditional form of a farmstead, the design is not only deeply set in the tradition and culture of the place, it also shows respect for the borders of urban and functional zones and in a way employs a sort of convention of children’s iconography.
Due to placing the main function of the building on -1 level (below the ground), the ground oor level has been treated as an open, public space where relativelly small, traditional in form and material houses are constructed. Each of them can be accessed from the area level, and each of them serves one function, e.g., an art workshop or a literature club. Fully glazed walls of the building overlooking the park on one side, Bach Street on the other, allow the strollers walking around the Cultural Centre to have a glimpse of activities taking place inside, not missing the view of the greenery of the Słuzew Brook area. Such layout of the building allowed for maximum connection of its interior with the surrounding. As it were, the premises of the Centre become public space of the city, the activities of the Centre reach beyond its borders.
The nal form of the Cultural Centre design was determined by two elements: the first, the situation and an urban context of the object, the second, its function de ned by the programme. The existing, original cultural centre was also a source of inspiration, together with the adjacent ecological, educational farm and a survived country house at 7 Tarniny Street. A typical rural, low-density housing prevailed in the area of Słuzewiec until the early seventies of the last century. Then, throughout the course of a few years, in place of ploughlands, orchards and meadows where the sight of grazing cattle was quite common, high-rising blocks of ats, the tallest 11-storeys high, were being erected to become Słuzew on the Valley settlement. The designers of the settlement managed to preserve a green ravine along the brook banks, in spite of plans designating the area for single-family housing. Nowadays this place, a strip of green open space, is extremely precious both for the inhabitants and the ecosystem of Warsaw.