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1 POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT: TOURISM. Build and/or increase the employment capacity in rural areas by improving the attractiveness of the territories

2 POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT: DIVERSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITIES. Increase employment capacity by diversifying economic activity towards non-traditional agricultural goods and services

4 COUNTRY - CITY . Improve the quality of life of the urban population by planning the development of services that prefer a non-urban locations


3 ESSENTIAL SERVICES TO THE POPULATION. Improve the quality of life of the local population by encouraging the development/supply of essential services in the territory


5 POPULATION: ENERGY SAVING. Promote initiatives to support local economic development: technological innovation and renewable energy sources

6 YOUNG POPULATION. Improve the quality of life of young people and develop the attractiveness of the territory for future generations

7 POPULATION: INFRASTRUCTURE. Improve the quality of life of the population by improving the condition of the infrastructure needed for development

8 COOPERATION IN DEVELOPMENT. Boost inter-territorial and transnational cooperation to increase employment with considerable savings in economies of scale

9 SAFE POPULATION. Improving public safety

10 POPULATION AND ENVIRONMENT. Increase the competitiveness of businesses by increasing the resilience and the environmental value of natural and agricultural ecosystems

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